This isn't your run-of-the-mill parenting advice. Nope. It's packed with strategies that work wonders for Muslim moms, crafted with a whole lot of love for the unique you.

You're about to embark on a journey that’s been remixed to fit your beliefs and dreams like a glove.


Here's the scoop:

Your Islamic values? They’re about to become your parenting superpowers.

Imagine a squad of fellow Muslim moms who get it – that's your new crew here.

Stress? We’ve got ninja moves to help you keep your cool, even on those hair-pulling days.

Watch as your bond with your kiddos grows stronger with every heart-to-heart. 💖

Transform every 'Why me?' into a 'Watch me!' as you grow through parenting's ups and downs. 🌱



Course Overview: Your Path to Chillaxed Parenting

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 - Embrace Your Own Path
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - Vision To Victory Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Bringing Out Their Full Potential
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Win-win Communication & Beyond
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - Manage Time: From Busy to Thriving
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Navigating Parenting Challenges
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 - Filling Your Cup
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  FREE Bonus Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll

Embrace Your Own Path

Step away from that 'superhero mom' myth and let's get real! This is where you start embracing your own awesome way of parenting. It's all about finding that perfect balance between looking after yourself and being the great mom you are.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Busting the Supermom Myth: Let's unpack those sky-high expectations and find a comfy, realistic view of motherhood.
  • Self-Care = Super Parenting: Discover how a little 'me time' is actually a big win for your family.
  • The Beauty of Muslim Parenting: Explore what makes Muslim parenting special and how it fits beautifully into your everyday life.
  • Building Bonds: Tips and tricks for creating those deep, heartwarming connections with your kids.
  • Mom’s Life Hacks: Navigating the busy mom life with practical time and stress management strategies.

Vision To Victory Mindset

Let's dive into the core of great parenting: setting goals that actually work. This module is all about aligning your parenting dreams with the big picture - raising kids who thrive in this life and beyond.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Crafting Your Parenting Vision: Learn how to sketch out a strong, meaningful vision that balances both spiritual and worldly success.
  • Goal-Setting Awesomeness: We've got nifty ways to set and sort goals that really matter for your kids' growth.
  • Expectations vs. Reality: Tips to push beyond limits and inspire your kids to reach for the stars.
  • Making It Happen Every Day: Follow easy steps to weave these goals into your daily life for steady progress.
  • Kicking Out the Bad Habits: Spot and squash those sneaky habits that might be holding your family back.

Bringing Out Their Full Potential

This module is all about being the role model your kids need, especially in embracing Islamic values. We’re talking real, hands-on strategies to inspire them through your own actions in prayer and learning about the deen.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Be the Example: Tips on how to show the way in prayer and Islamic learning.
  • Teamwork in Daily Chores: Fun ways to get your kids involved in everyday tasks, boosting their sense of responsibility.
  • The 'Just One Happy Step' Method: A cool, step-by-step approach to hit those parenting goals.
  • Negotiation & Choices: Teaching your kids to make smart choices and understand the 'why' behind rules.
  • Risk-Taking & Learning from Oopsies: Encouraging your kids to be brave, try new things, and learn from every tumble.

Win-win Communication & Beyond

Jump into the world of parenting chats! Module 4 is all about mastering those key conversations with your kids. Learn to talk and listen in ways that truly connect, building stronger bonds and understanding.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Talking Heart-to-Heart: Master the art of sharing your feelings and really getting where your kids are coming from.
  • Fixing Disagreements Like a Pro: Handy strategies to sort out tiffs and grow closer.
  • Cheer and Guide: Use positive vibes to encourage good stuff and set clear do's and don'ts.
  • Super Listener Skills: Level up your listening game to really hear what your kids need.
  • Be Their Communication Hero: Show 'em how it's done with your top-notch talking skills.

Manage Time: From Busy to Thriving

Get ready to switch from busy to blossoming in this time management adventure! Module 5 is all about making every minute count for you and your kiddos.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Focus on What Matters: Learn to spot and prioritize tasks that really boost your family's happiness.
  • Saying No Like a Boss: Techniques for setting boundaries to free up more family fun time.
  • Mastering Your Day: A cool, easy system to organize your day, blending productivity with precious family moments.
  • Kids in the Mix: Fun ways to get your kids involved in daily stuff, making it a family affair.
  • You Time: How to weave your personal interests into your parenting, so you thrive too.

Navigating Parenting Challenges

Dive into Module 6 where we tackle common parenting hurdles with smart, effective strategies. It's all about blending modern techniques like CBT and NLP with our spiritual and religious insights.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Smart Problem-Solving: Mix and match CBT and NLP tricks with Islamic wisdom for a well-rounded approach.
  • Boost the Good Stuff: Learn to spotlight good behavior with praise and rewards that really work.
  • Setting Boundaries Like a Pro: Master the art of fair, consistent boundary-setting.
  • Calm in the Storm: Tools for managing those tough emotions and keeping your cool.
  • See Through Their Eyes: Shift your perspective, get where your kids are coming from, and grow empathy.

Filling Your Cup

Here we are at Module 7, where it's all about embracing the beautifully imperfect journey of parenting. It's a reminder that being a perfect parent isn't the goal – it's about being real, learning, and growing along with your kids.

What We'll Dive Into (In Sha Allah):

  • Embracing the Oops Moments: Understanding that perfect parenting is a myth and that it's okay to make mistakes.
  • Rolling with the Changes: Tips for tweaking your parenting style as your little ones grow and change.
  • Expectations Meet Reality: Setting realistic goals for yourself and your kids, and being cool when things don't go as planned.
  • Becoming Tough Cookies: Ways to strengthen resilience in both you and your children.
  • Cheering Every Win: Celebrating every bit of progress, big or small.

🌟 Our Chillaxed Promise to You 🌟

We’re super confident in the "Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked" course, so we’ve got a special promise for you. If, after 30 days of diving into the course and really giving it a go, you don’t feel a big shift towards a more chill and effective parenting style, we’ve got your back with an easy refund. Just shoot us a message at [email protected]. We believe wholeheartedly in this course's power to transform your parenting, especially for awesome Muslim moms like you, and we’re here to make sure you love it as much as we do! 🚀

🌟 What You'll (In Sha Allaah) Unlock with "Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked"🌟

The Complete Course: Dive into all the amazing content worth $297!

Bonus 1: A 4-week Private, Facebook Messenger Accountability & Members-Only Facebook Group Community valued at $597.

Bonus 2: Get "Golden Guidance: 100 Parenting Pearls Unveiled" - a gem of a guide for just $7!

Bonus 3: "Graceful Living: 50 Life Enhancing Practical Tips" also for just $7.

That's a total package of $908! 🎉

But here’s the deal: Enroll today, and it's all yours for just:

Got questions about 'Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked'?

Q1: "I'm worried I won't have time for this course. How can I manage?"
A1: This course is designed for busy mothers. It offers flexible, bite-sized lessons that fit into your schedule, transforming your time constraints into an opportunity for efficient learning.

Q2: "Is this course suitable for mothers with older children?"
A2: Absolutely! The strategies and insights are tailored for children of all ages, focusing on long-term parenting skills.

Q3: "Do I need to be technologically savvy to benefit from this course?"
A3: Not at all. The course is user-friendly and accessible, even for those not familiar with online learning platforms.

Q4: "How is 'Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked' different from other parenting courses?"
A4: Unlike generic courses, this one is specifically designed for Muslim mothers, integrating Islamic values into effective parenting strategies.

Q5: "I'm not sure if online courses work for me. How can I be sure?"
A5: Our course offers interactive, practical modules with community support, ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience.

Q6: "What kind of support will I receive during the course?"
A6: You'll have access to private Facebook Messenger accountability and a members-only Facebook support group for ongoing assistance and community interaction.

Q7: "What if the course doesn't meet my expectations?"
A7: We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can request a full refund. Just send us a message at [email protected].

Q8: "Can you remind me of everything I’m getting when I sign up today?"
A8: You'll receive the comprehensive 'Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked' course, exclusive bonuses, access to private accountability and a supportive community.

Is 'Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked' Your Perfect Match?

Let's See! 🌟

Just Starting with Mindful Parenting? If you're at the beginning of your parenting journey and want to nail it from the start, this is for you!

Been There, Still Figuring It Out? If you've got some years under your belt but need a fresh take on parenting, come on in!

Valuing Your Roots? Looking for a course that gets your Islamic background? We've got you covered!

Eager to Learn and Grow? If you're up for investing some time and energy into becoming an even better parent, you'll fit right in.

Ready to Jump into Action? If you're keen on dedicating a few hours each week to put your learnings into practice, you're in the right place.

A Bit Worried but Hopeful? Got concerns about how you're doing as a parent but excited about what you could achieve? This course is definitely for you.

All About Results? Excited to see a more chilled and effective way of parenting? You'll love this!

Looking for Quick Wins? If immediate, visible changes in your parenting are what you're after, look no further.

Open to Change? Ready to take the steps needed to transform your parenting life? Let’s do it!

If you found yourself nodding 'yes' to at least 6 of these, then 'Chillaxed Parenting Unlocked' is calling your name! 💫

Kids grow up fast! Don't lose time!

✅ Life-Changing Advice
✅ Short Lessons: You can finish the course in one sitting. (If you sit long enough - LOL)
✅ Videos, Audios, Slide decks, Transcripts, Checklists/Worksheets - every resource you need!
✅ Easy-To-Use: You just need to click-click.
✅ No-Brainer Investment
✅ Facebook Group & Messenger Accountability for 4 weeks!
✅ Bonus: Pretty, Visually-Appealing Design (to treat your eyes)
✅ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

It's never too late to be a great parent!

Save years of time and 1000s of dollars that you might otherwise spend to figure things out on your own. All of this for $297!

Grab my limited-time offer NOW! Not only that. With my FULL money-back guarantee, you can take this easy-to-use course for a test run for 30 whole days.

This makes this investment a no-brainer!

Take control of your parenting game today with life-changing advice you won’t find anywhere else!

Enroll today, and it's all yours for just: